New England Sikh Study Circle dedicates the following two hymns to the
victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. The tragedy brought the impermanence
of our lives; something that we are aware of, but often ignore, into sharp
focus. The tremendous love, sacrifice and service that the community offered
to the victims is a testament to the fundamental goodness of humanity
and emphasizes the bonds that unite us all eternally.
Aleh Noor Upaya Kodrat Ke Sabh Bande
The New England Sikh Study Circle Junior Jatha
Sahib Singh Vocal & Harmonium
Sumeet Singh Vocal & Harmonium
Amandeep Singh Tabla
Raunaq Singh Vocal
Jasneil Singh Vocal
prabhaathee ||
aval aleh noor oupaaeiaa kudharath kae sabh ba(n)dhae ||
eaek noor thae sabh jag oupajiaa koun bhalae ko ma(n)dhae ||1||
logaa bharam n bhoolahu bhaaee ||
khaalik khalak khalak mehi khaalik poor rehiou srab t(h)aa(n)ee
||1|| rehaao ||
maattee eaek anaek bhaa(n)th kar saajee saajanehaarai ||
naa kashh poch maattee kae bhaa(n)ddae naa kashh poch ku(n)bhaarai
sabh mehi sachaa eaeko soee this kaa keeaa sabh kashh hoee ||
hukam pashhaanai s eaeko jaanai ba(n)dhaa keheeai soee ||3||
alahu alakh n jaaee lakhiaa gur gurr dheenaa meet(h)aa ||
kehi kabeer maeree sa(n)kaa naasee sarab nira(n)jan ddeet(h)aa ||4||3||
Prabhaatee (Bhagat Kabeer):
First, God created Light; then, He made all mortal beings.
From that Light, the entire universe sprang forth. So how can we
possibly judge anyone? ||1||
O people, do not be deluded by doubt.
The Creation is in the Creator, and the Creator is in the Creation,
omnipresent and ubiquitous ||1||Pause||
The clay is the same, but God has fashioned it in various ways.
The pot of clay and the potter are both beyond reproach. ||2||
The One True Lord abides in all; by His actions, is everything created.
Whoever realizes His Divine Will, knows the One Lord and comes be
His slave. ||3||
The Lord is Unseen; The Guru has blessed me with this sweetness
Says Kabeer, my anxiety has ended; I see the Immaculate Lord everywhere.
Jehe Beet Jehe Janam Akaaj Re
The New England Sikh Study Circle Senior Jatha
Sukhmanjit Kaur Vocal & Harmonium
Baljot Kaur Vocal & Harmonium
Roshninder Kaur Vocal & Harmonium
Leah Kaur Baglama & Vocal
Amandeep Singh Guitar & Vocal
Angad Singh Tabla
jaijaava(n)thee mehalaa 9 ||
beeth jaihai beeth jaihai janam akaaj rae ||
nis dhin sun kai puraan samajhath neh rae ajaan ||
kaal tho pehoochiou aan kehaa jaihai bhaaj rae ||1|| rehaao ||
asathhir jo maaniou dhaeh so tho thaero hoe hai khaeh ||
kio n har ko naam laehi moorakh nilaaj rae ||1||
raam bhagath heeeae aan shhaadd dhae thai man ko maan ||
naanak jan eih bakhaan jag mehi biraaj rae ||2||4||
Jaijaavantee, Ninth Guru:
Your life slips away, without meaning or purpose||
Every day, you listen to the holy texts, but you do not understand
them, you fool!
The moment of your Death is upon you; where will you run to now?
You foolishly thought your body was immortal, but for sure it shall
turn to dust||
Why won't you chant the Name of the Lord, you shameless fool? ||1||
Worship the Lord with all your heart, and abandon your intellectual
pride ||
Says the humble Nanak, live thus, in this world. ||2||4||